Palo Santo

Burning Rituals 101: PALO SANTO

Let’s begin the Palo Santo burning ritual by first setting your space.

Here at Aladastra, we believe that our yoga mat is our altar, so choose the yoga mat or yoga pad that better helps you connect with yourself and meditate.

Of course, any surface or space will do as long as it works for you!

Once you find your altar, create a sacred space by surrounding yourself with sage smudge sticks, Palo Santo, meditative candles, chakra stones and crystals (you can add a favorite item or whatever makes you feel comfortable, grounded and connected).



Palo Santo


The next step is invocation.

Light up your candles, shake it out, close your eyes and take long deep breaths. Envision positive colorful energy coming in with every inhale; surrounding and covering your physical body inside out from the ground up. Focus on grounding yourself firmly on every exhale; feeling a connection to the earth below you from your feet or your root chakra at the bottom of your spine.

Think about the things you need and want to invoke. Be honest about those feelings or affairs you no longer want to hold inside and those you want to receive.

You can even write down your intentions and invocations or find a mantra to say out loud, if it helps you focus on what you need to invoke, don’t cling too hard, focus on releasing and receiving.


Once you feel open and sincere about your needs and feelings, it is time to burn and invite them in.

If ready, light up a Palo Santo stick using one of your candles for roughly 15 seconds. Carefully blow out the flame and let the flame smolder to release the scent. Envision the smoke as it brings in positive energies and feelings.

Slowly walk around your sacred space. Guide the smoke toward open windows or a door if you are inside, or allow the smoke to gently move with the air around you if you are outdoors.

You may also focus on your body if you are interested in soothing yourself; or let the smoke waft around specific objects to cleanse them.

Use a ceramic Palo Santo holder to catch the ash and rest your stick.

Safety comes first: always hold a vessel under your stick or hold it on a fireproof ceramic holder for safety. Ideally you can use abalone shell is ideal, to include the element of water in the ritual. Never let it unattended for any reason and be careful not to inhale too much smoke. Once you are done, let the burning stick on the holder, vessel or dirt until the smoke is all gone. Do not use water to extinguish the embers as it will ruin the Palo Santo stick.


Palo Santo Ceramic Holders



You can also find our Palo Santo Natural Wood sticks at Classico


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