capricorn picks

Capricorn, the 10th sign and the  Sea-Goat of the Zodiac, is all about hard work. Ambitious and determined, Capricorns take things one step at a time. Their realistic and pragmatic nature makes them extremely dedicated to their goals. 


Moreover, there is an archetype of Capricorns’ melancholy and sadness which originated by the tale of Pricus, the ruler of time and the father of a race of intelligent and honorable Sea-Goats. He tried to protect his children, who lost their ability to speak and think when they ventured onto dry land, by trying to turn back time to avoid this loss. He eventually had to surrender to losing all of his children to the wild and was given an immortal home in the heavens as the constellation of Capricorn. 


On the other hand, the Sea-Goat that the stellar constellation of Capricorn represents, was called Ea by the Babylonians. Ea was the protective god of water, knowledge, and creation.


In the western tropical zodiac, Capricorn sign’s season commences during the Winter Solstice, when the shift of the night outweighing the day starts. Capricorn’s affinity for resourcefulness and preparedness is mirrored in the activities of the Winter, where we enter a hibernation and conservation mode. As the last of the four cardinal signs, Capricorns hold an elemental energy of initiation and leadership. Finally, the Capricorns’ affinity for leadership, administration, and welding material power are all akin to the structure and tangibility of the earth element.


Below you’ll find our curared list of yoga and wellness tools, based on Capricorn’s attributes, characteristics and associations, like colours, symbols, herbs, etc. 


Also, with the new moon in Capricorn, happening on December 23, 2022, connected to the end of the year and the beginning of a new, it is an ideal time to take a good look at where you want to go in life, and commit to taking daily action. Therefore, in light of Capricorn’s association with The Two of Pentacles tarot card, we have prepared a simple Tarot Spread Ritual, tailored to help you set intentions and take action.

Capricorn Picks

With the hues of khaki and brown colors associated with the Capricorn sign, we suggest our Aurilium Yoga Mat for your yoga practice and the Pyramids Yoga Pad as extra cushioning for your meditation. 

Some highly recommended add-ons would be the Earth Yoga Strap for extra stretching and the II. Sandalwood Clove and Cedarwood Yoga Mat Cleanser and Body Mist to keep your mat clean and fresh. 

As for your meditation, burning rituals, and home ambience, we suggest our signature Meditation in our new 12-pack Candlesticks version. Also, as Capricorn mode and element are cardinal earth, our Rainbow Smudge Sacred Wand could not be left out of this list. Don’t forget to keep it in a fireproof vessel such as our Midnight Black Ceramic Holder.

Tarot Spread Ritual for the New Moon in Capricorn

Working with tarot decks can be a revelation for anyone. It can deepen your spiritual practice and connection to your inner wisdom. This is a simple Tarot Spread Ritual you can practice ideally on the new moon in Capricorn, that will help you gain clarity on your intentions and guidance on the actions you need to take to fulfil the goals you will set. 


As The Two of Pentacles is associated with Capricorn, this card will be at the center of this ritual, representing balance, adaptability, and prioritization.

Cleanse & Prepare

Firstly, before performing this ritual (and any kind of ritual for that matter), it is essential that you cleanse yourself and your space of unwanted or negative energy. Tidy up your space and use a Palo Santo or Smudge stick for cleansing.


Next, lay an altar cloth on the floor or a table and light up a frankincense candle, like our Meditation Soy Wax Candle, to help you spiritually ground yourself.


Find a cozy spot to settle in, close your eyes, take some deep breathes, and visualize a purified circle around you. 


Now it’s time to pick your deck. If you only have one set of tarot cards, go with that.If you have plenty to choose from, let your intuition guide you to pick the one you need for this particular ritual.


If you want, you can meditate for a short while on the smell of frankincense to connect to the space, the moon’s energy, and to the energy of your chosen deck.

tarot spread ritual

Set & Read your spread

Find The Two of Pentacles card, place it in front of you, and then resfhuffle the deck, making sure all your cards face the same way. As you shuffle your deck, think about what you’re grateful for and your intentions for the new year. 


When you’re ready, draw one random card, place it face down to the left of The Two of Pentacles, and then another one to the right. Then, you can open the closed cards one by one. 


Card #1: Your intention and what can support it.

Card #2: The action you need to take to approach your intention.


You can read up the meanings of the cards in your guidebook but first trust your intuition. Look at the cards you drew and try to connect to your inner guide. Think about what they are trying to tell you and how you feel.

Finish your Ritual

Finally, after your Tarot Spread Ritual, use a journal to write down which cards you drew, your new moon intentions, the actions you want to take moving forward while the your divine guidance that came to you in your reading.

Stay tuned for more,


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