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Squeaky Clean- Deep Cleansing Bath Soak

SKU: 9005

Availability: In stock

Quick Overview

Deep cleansing bath soak and scrub 100g 3,5oz

Hand blended with: Salts &Minerals: Epsom salts, dead sea salt & Hawaiian black volcanic salt, Active carbon, pure vitamin C & E , Green & Grey clay Botanicals: Witch hazel, calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves Essential oils: tea tree & bergamot

Directions: Sprinkle a generous amount to warm running water. Soak for at least 20 minutes to allow our blend to be absorbed and work its magic. Drink water before, during and after the bath. Rinse and towel dry. Wrap yourself, cozy up and rest. When finished scoop petals, flowers and herbs with a strainer before emptying tub. Our ingredients are all vegan and organic or wild crafted