How to achieve New Year’s Resolutions or Goals

New Year’s Resolutions or Goals?

Tips on how to get everything you want this year, and every year!


2022 is almost here. A new year is ahead of us and for a lot of people this means setting fresh resolutions. However, most new year’s resolutions or goals fail before they begin. Even with the best intentions, it doesn’t take long to give up on a resolution or forget all about it. 


Why do we fail? Is it so difficult to stay focused on our goal? Why do we keep making resolutions every year even though the previous failed? 


The problem is our strategy. Setting such short-term (new year’s) resolutions or goals is unrealistic. We need to shift our mindset and set long-term goals to create lasting changes for our lives. 


So how do you make New Year’s resolutions or goals stick?


First of all, you need to make a decision of changing some aspect of your life and then you have to commit to making that a reality.

Do not keep all your goals, ideas and intentions inside your mind, put it on paper. Writing down your resolutions, documenting them, is the best way to remember them later on. 


new year's resolutions or goals



Moreover, the most important aspect on setting a new resolution is getting clear on the why. Understanding the purpose of your goal is the key to success and brings you to the next step of the process: finding absolute faith. 

Having a mindset of belief in yourself, plays a huge role. Even if you have no idea how to start or even accomplish your goal, the notion that no matter what, you will succeed, brings you closer to achieving what you set out to do.


Furthermore, keep your resolutions with specifics, so you can measure your progress along the way. Goals must be realistic, measurable and achievable. It is important to set a reasonable timeline as well.


In addition, setting long-term resolutions helps you develop perseverance. Of course there will be setbacks and challenging times along the way but with having faith in yourself, you will not give up. Turn obstacles into opportunities and keep on going until you succeed. 

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate your success. Not only the outcome, but also the small achievements along your journey. 


Stay inspired by finding purpose and meaning in your goals. The best new year’s resolutions have passion, vision and commitment behind them. Get everything you want this year, and every year yet to come, by keeping it realistic and having dedication.



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