jumpstart the new year

The beginning of a new year is nearly here, and it’s an opportunity to start fresh, and set new and clear intentions. Yoga allows us to create space in the body, bringing balance between mind and spirit. Beginning the new year with movement and breathing can have an amazing positive and invigotating impact. We find that these 4 simple asanas will help you connect with your breath, stretch your body, and calm your mind. 


Practicing on our Aladastra Yoga Mats will help you delve into your practice in no time, and our familiar designs and mental marks will make your flow much more enjoyable. 


Jumpstart the new year with this uplifting sequence:

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Pose
(with a few twists)

Come into a downward-facing dog by pressing into your palms, tucking your toes, extending your legs, and lifting your hips to the ceiling (or sky), creating an inverted V shape. Drop your shoulders away from your ears and think about lengthening your spine. Micro bend your knees as you press the yoga mat away, relax your head and neck, and gaze at your navel. Hold still for 3-5 breath cycles while staying light in your wrists. Afterwards, you can try to pedal your knees, wiggle your hips, or even come into a twist by rooting one hand firmly and reaching the other one underneath your body for the outside of your opposite calf. If you try this, hold for a few moments into the twist and then switch sides.

Adho Mukha Svanasana stretches and strengthens the body, giving you an uplifting energy boost, ideal for starting this sequence.

Uttanasana or Ragdoll Pose (aka forward fold)

From Downward-Facing Dog, bend your kneess and start to walk your hands towards your feet. Let your weight hang forwards as you catch and hold opposite elbows. Sway gently from side to side, keeping knees softly bent to allow your lower back to stretch and release.

Uttanasana stretches out the whole of the back of your body and helps to release tension in your shoulders. Also, Ragdoll can be a quick meditative pose with a calming and liberating effect. 

Vrksasana or Tree Pose

From Uttanasana, stand tall at the top of your mat in mountain pose. Separate your feet hips-width apart, arms by your sides, and palms facing forward. Shift your weight into your right leg and place your left foot on your right thigh or calf, not on the knee joint. Engage your right leg to press back into the left foot. Find a steady gaze and keep your hands by your side for a few breaths. When you feel balanced, grow your tree by extending your arms overhead or out to the side. Hold for 5 breaths, come back to mountain pose, and transition to the other side. 

Vrksasana is a very beneficial pose that improves balance and stability in the legs, but also on a metaphysical level, helps us achieve balance in other aspects of life.

Padmasana or Lotus Pose (with a twist)

Finish this quick yet powerful sequence with a seated meditation, either kneeling or with your legs crossed in Lotus, and a straight spine. Place your hands on your knees with your palms facing upward or add a twist by twisting your hands in Eagle arms. Use your breath to meditate on, keeping your exhales longer, counting the length of the inhale for 4, then the exhale for 6. Allow yourself to sit for 5-10 breath cycles before slowly making your way into the new year.

This is a calming asana,  especially good if you have a busy mind. Remember that it’s totally normal for the mind to be all over the place, throwing up all kinds of distractions but with regular practice, a meditating asana can be really beneficial for stressful moments.


Practicing this sequence will leave you perfectly prepared for the new year ahead, and transform your mood for tired to inspired!

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