The Virgo sign, the Maiden, the 6th of the Zodiac, is associated with purity and innocence. In Greek mythology, Virgo is often represented by Astraea, the daughter of Zeus and Themis, and as such Virgo is a symbol of hope and regeneration.


Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury, which confers a sharp intellect and an ability to communicate effectively. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, and as such, the personality is all about practicality. Known for their attention to detail, Virgos have a tendency to worry about everything and they’re always looking for ways to improve situations.


The Virgo sign is also associated with The Hermit tarot card, indicating wisdom, maturity and knowledge.

Virgo Picks

With the colours tan and warm yellow, the virgin symbolism, the sapphire and peridot birthstones, the herb lavender and the digestive system being associated with the 6th sign of the zodiac, consider choosing your yoga equipment accordingly. 


Portraying a female figure emerging from an earthy scenery The Wildwood yoga mat from our Psychedelic Dreams limited edition collection by Diane Alexandre, is the absolute choice for Virgos. Pair it with the Botanica yoga pad and small towel to bring nature and its elements into your yoga practice and assist your asanas with the Earth or Peridot Lime yoga straps.

If you’re a meditation-after-practice person , it’s important that you create your personal altar, a small corner in your space with all the necessary tools to achieve your meditation goals. A Virgo’s altar should definitely have: the Meditation Soy Wax Candle, the Palo Santo Natural Wood sticks, the Summer Honey Palo Santo Holder, the Apatite Chakra bracelet and the Mala beaded Earth OM Locket. 


For the ultimate relaxing home-spa experience, post workout and meditation, we suggest the Restart 1-UP Revitalizing Vitamin Bath Soak & Scrub hand blended with organic salts, minerals, botanicals and essential oils.

A Ritual for Nurturing the Throat Chakra

We suggest that you perform this ritual ideally on the New Moon in Virgo, on August 27th. A new moon is all about transformation, new beginnings and setting visions & intentions for the future. It is a time of rejuvenation and this mental ritual is ideal to take in the energy from the new moon while unblocking the Throat chakra, the body’s communication hub.


Virgo is governed by the Throat Chakra affecting the sign’s purification process and the healing powers it brings. Performing this ritual while the new moon is in Virgo, it’s the perfect timing to bolster your Vishuddha, the fifth Chakra and find your true voice.


Using mantras and working with intentions are vital rituals for communicating your inner and outer voice with the universe. Our resonance is connected to our thoughts, so using mantras and intentions allows you to shine, projecting all you are and want to be.


Step 1: Choose an intention. It can be to activate your inner light and heal something inside your soul, it can be to release clutter and dark thoughts and expand your positive self. Choose what stands out to you and get very clear on what it is.


Step 2: Once you have chosen put it in in a mantra format. Let’s say your intention is “to reaffirm that you should follow your truth”, then your mantra could be something like “My truth is my priority” or 

Truth is my identity.

Step 3: Once you found your intention and mantra format, sit in a cosy position and begin to repeat it out-loud 5 times with a vivid clear and powerful voice. There is no need to yell, keep a volume that is comfortable to you.


Step 4: After you have repeated your mantra, begin to write your statement in a journal as many times as you feel called to. You could also write it on a small piece of paper and place it on a mirror as a visual and mental reminder to continuously work on it throughout the day.


Step 5: To close this ritual, take an invigorating inhale and exhale or perform Lion’s Breath, a breathing technique that stimulates the Throat Chakra. Inhale through your nose and with your eyes and mouth open wide, stick out your tongue and exhale your breath out audibly like a lion’s roar.

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