essential oil spray for cleaning yoga mat

A Cleansing Ritual: Cleaning your Yoga Mat


The most underestimated luxury is cleanliness. Few things in life are so pleasurable as the smell of a clean t-shirt passing over your neck, or the smell of fresh crisp bed sheets. The same is true for your yoga mat, what better way to start your practice than with a perfectly clean, awesome smelling yoga mat. In the booklet of your yoga mat you have the care instructions that guide you on how to clean it once a month.

We recommend that you create your own Antimicrobial yoga mat spray, with essential oils, that you can spray on your mat before your daily practice. Of course, in true Aladastra style, we have analyzed the attributes of each essential oil. As a result you can make combos that accompany your mood and of course your yoga mat!





1 small spraying bottle (we recommend you use your old perfume bottle, after you clean it thoroughly with soap and warm water, you don’t want any alcohol on your yoga mat, since our colours are allergic to it)

Distilled water (you know the one you use for your iron, you can always wikihow and make your own)

2 essential oils: Most commonly found at your local apothecary, you can always get an extra couple and have one energizing combo and one calming. That’s what I do, I have one invigorating cleansing spray for my morning practices made from eucalyptus and bergamot, and a calming one for afternoon or evening sleepy sessions made from citronella and jasmine. Additionally, I would recommend that you always buy essential oils that come in darker shades of glass bottles that protect them from UV rays and will make them last much longer. Although essential oils can be expensive, being so potent they will last you long, therefore I would recommend you invest in oils that are labeled organic and are either steam distilled or cold- pressed.




First, fill a small spray bottle with distilled water, add 10 drops of essential oils combining 1 cleansing oil and 1 aromatherapy oil. Then, spray along the mat and wipe down with a clean cloth! If you want to make it a tad stronger, add a couple of drops but don’t exaggerate toooo much as essential oils are super concentrated. Finally, once you’ve mixed shake, shake, shake and taaadaaah! You are done and ready to spray!


The selection of Cleansing Oils and their properties:


TEA TREE: antimicrobial, antifungal, invigorating

LAVENDER: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-stress

CLARY SAGE: antibacterial, anti-stress, helps with PMS symptoms

JUNIPER BERRY: antibacterial, antimicrobial, detoxifying

CEDAR WOOD: antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent, helps with spasmodic conditions like asthma

CYPRESS: antibacterial, astringent, treats respiratory conditions, avoid during pregnancies

EUCALYPTUS: expectorant, antibacterial, air cleanser, anti-inflammatory

BASIL: antibacterial, antifungal, energizer, insect repellant



The selection of Aromatherapy Oils and their properties:


BERGAMOT: confidence, reduces headaches, stimulates digestion, antidepressant

LEMONGRASS: antibacterial, antioxidant, energy booster, reduces stress, detoxifying

PALO SANTO: detoxifying, immune system booster, reduces stress, mosquito repellent, cleansing energy

CINNAMON: increases circulation, antidepressant, stimulates libido,

CITRONELLA: insect repeller, relaxant especially for sleeping disorders

JASMINE: anti-stress, antidepressant, invigorating, boosts concentration

VETIVER: energy booster, treats insomnia, antioxidant

NEROLI: anti-inflammatory, decreases blood pressure,

SANDALWOOD: mental clarity, memory booster, helps with focus




Tea tree & Bergamot

Lavender & Jasmine

Cedar wood & Vetiver

Clary Sage & Citronella

Eucalyptus & Lemongrass

Cypress & Palo Santo


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